Wednesday, September 10, 2008



Most of the time we tend to encounter and conclude that a happening in our life is either an opportunity or a trial. Opportunity being the positively addressed happening was the being look forwarded to and trials avoided if possible.

Opportunities are favorable times or occasions, situations or conditions favorable for attainment of a goal and good positions, chances, or prospects, as for advancement or success. The very start of a new day in our life is already considered as an opportunity. Opportunity to make the most out of everything we got.

Most of the people would describe trials negatively. They are referred to pain, anguish and sorrowful events that occur in our life. A death of our loved one for example is described as a trial. Sometimes it is even used as a substitute to the word problem and we all know that trials are part of our life that we would encounter along the way.

The boundaries between this two opposing words is probably the idea of being negative and positive, but can’t we look at them both in a positive way? Trials are also opportunities. They opportunities to make ourselves strong, dependent, patient, understanding, wise, experienced and most of all it is the opportunity to experience God’s unending power and love to us. Realizing these things would make us appreciate every detail of the events of our lives. May it be an opportunity or a trial.

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