Wednesday, September 10, 2008



“Inner beauty is better than beauty seen outside.” That is the philosophy of many people in this world. But which is really more important: beauty or brains?When you hear the word beauty what comes first in your mind? When I hear the word beauty, the first thing that comes to my head is the physical appearance. Beauty is important because it is the basis of your impression to other people. It is also what you use in facing different kinds of people. Some people even say that even if you are the most intelligent person in the world but your physical appearance does not please the eyes of other people, no one will like you. Some people even use the physical appearance in choosing who to hire for a certain job. Some does not even care if you graduated with honors as long as you look presentable. With all these things we really could say that beauty is really important.

Brains, knowledge, wisdom, intellect, mind power, all these things are synonymous. They only mean one thing: the capability of the brain to do great things. I myself consider brain power more important than the physical appearance. It is because the brain could do more things than your looks. The brain is the center of your consciousness. If you use it effectively and efficiently, you could make yourself look presentable even if you are not blessed by good looks. If you have brains, you will never run out of job opportunities. Your brain is also important in doing daily tasks efficiently. So, our brain is really important in surviving every day.

Some say beauty, some say brains. But which is really more important? For me, I could only say that both beauty and brains has an important role in maintaining the balance of a person’s personality. That is why I have decided that a person should have at least one of these things. It is better if a person have both of these qualities even if it is not that great but at least that person should try to improve the thing that he lacks. How about you, which is better: beauty or brains?

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