Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Laws of God


“Happy are the sorrowing, for they will be comforted.”- Matthew 5:4

Everybody wants all things around them to be perfect just like what they want it to be. We do not want to be harmed or injured. We are also afraid to commit mistakes. Most of all, we do not like to feel the pain or sorrow in our hearts. Instead, all of us want to spend our lives happily. Yet, because we, at times, are attracted to make wrong choices, we tend to make wrong decisions. This leads us to feel uncomfortable and find life unpleasant. To avoid unpleasantness in life, at home, in school, and in the community, we have rules and laws. And, two words can’t be separated when you talk about these laws, rules and regulations, especially, when it is related to God. These words are Ten Commandments and Beatitudes.

The Ten Commandments are like rules that God gave us to help us live good lives. And, these commandments are not to be seen as some obligations we have to fulfill. Rather, they are signposts in which we can pattern our life. The first three commandments teach us how to love and serve God. The remaining seven commandments teach us how to love and serve one another. The Ten Commandments guide us in living our lives as people of peace and justice. In keeping the Ten Commandments, we are able to bring peace and justice wherever we are.

On the other hand, Beatitudes are the teachings of Jesus on true and everlasting happiness. The word beatitude means “blessed” or “happy”. These are the traits that the disciples of Jesus strive to develop in themselves so that they will be genuinely happy like Jesus. These are also the traits of Jesus himself which made him lived a truly happy life in this world. Thus, if we live the beatitudes like Jesus, we will also be happy on earth and we will belong in the kingdom of heaven.

These two words really help us live a life of safety and order. These laws are guidelines for our daily life so that we may also grow into better persons. They help us to reach out to other people, especially to the less fortunate and bring God’s love to them. They help us treat everyone as our neighbors. They help us to make the right choices everyday. Lastly, they make us grow into true followers of Jesus. Respecting the laws and rules of everyday living is a sign that we are growing up in the right way. And, by keeping the laws of God habitually, we are able to grow as disciplined children of God. God wants to see us live each day guided by these laws so that we may avoid temptations, stay away from doing wrong and we may avoid making wrong choices and decisions.

“Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and also, love your neighbor as you love yourself."
- Luke 10:27

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