Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Democracy and Monarchy


Democracy and Monarchy are both form of governments. People have argued whether which of the 2 forms of government is better in helping the country prosper and flourish. The industrialization of a country doesn’t only depend on the citizens and leaders it could also depend on the type of government the country has.

Democracy is coined in the dictionary as a form of government in which the supreme power is held completely by the people under a free electoral system. Democracy is the most popular form of government. It is also the type of government needed to be a first-class country. In Democracy all members of the society has equal access to power. The society also enjoys universally recognized freedom and liberties. Democracy started from the Ancient Greece. The city-state Athens first practiced this kind of government. It is also called “the last form of government” and has considerably spread across the globe Democracy itself is divided into different forms each of them have different characteristics but all of them revolves around the same principle that the government is only for the people. Some forms of Democracy are as follows; Representative, Parliamentary Democracy, Liberal Democracy, Direct Democracy, Socialist Democracy, Iroquois Democracy, Sortition, Consensus Democracy, and Interactive Democracy. Representative Democracy involves the selection of government officials by the people being represented. The leaders are commonly selected by voting. Parliamentary Democracy is opposed to a ‘presidential rule’ by decree dictatorship. Liberal Democracy is a representative democracy in which the ability of representatives to exercise decision-making power is subject to the rule of law. It also emphasizes on the protection of the right and freedoms of individuals. Direct Democracy is a political system where citizens are involved in decision-making. Socialist Democracy has different views in democracy which are; Social democracy, Democratic socialism, Dictatorship of the proletariat. Iroquois Democracy had a form of participatory democracy and representative democracy. In Sortition the leaders are not chosen by voting but rather by a random process giving each citizen a fair chance of becoming a leader. Consensus Democracy aims to protect minority rights from domination by majority rule. Interactive Democracy utilizes information technology to involve voters in law making. Democracy is a form of government where citizens are united forming one powerful nation. Just like Aristotle said “If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in Democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in the government in the utmost”

Monarchy is a form of government in where supreme power is given only to one individual who is the head of state, often for life. The monarch, the person who heads a monarchy usually have unlimited political power except in constitutional monarchies. It also practices hereditary rule except in elective monarchies where the monarch is chosen by means of elections. Most states only have a single monarch at any given time, although diarchy is sometimes possible in some countries. Monarchy is sometimes linked to religious aspects, where some monarchs claim to be given the right to rule by the will of God, they even claimed to have a special connection with God. Monarchs have various titles, including king or queen, duke, prince, emperor, and royal highness. Different succession of powers has been used in monarchy. Monarchies used to exist all around the world but in the recent century most monarchies have been abolished. Self-proclaimed monarchies have also happened like what Napoleon did he proclaimed himself Emperor of the French. Monarchy originated from the leadership of tribal chiefs. Monarchs undergo different ceremonies like coronation.

Democracy and Monarchy both flourished in their times. Both of them are proven to be effective in helping the country to flourish and prosper. Democracy could help the country become united while in Monarchy laws and constitutions are easily enforced. It is hard to pick which of the two is better. Some say that Democracy is better while some say that Monarchy is better, it is hard to know which one is correct. Both have made quotes against each other like this one “Democracy… while it lasts is bloodier than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhaust, and murder itself. There is never a democracy which did not commit suicide.” While the other side gave this quote “Monarchy degenerates into tyranny and into savage violence and chaos.”

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