Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Twilight Movie
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Bests of the Second Quarter
for the second quarter
school year 2008-2009...
Tañaquin,Annicalou | 95.5078 |
Arriola, Michaela Giuliana | 95.2704 |
Santos, Ryll Regine | 95.0037 |
Abaloyan, Cristina | 94.6805 |
Ungson, Mark | 94.6037 |
Berenguer, Jed Adriel | 94.0502 |
Panaligan, Kashieca Moira | 93.9594 |
De Ubago, Christine Anne | 93.7850 |
Acyatan, Mark Ephraim | 93.2883 |
Castro, Jasper Hannah | 92.8816 |
Monday, November 10, 2008
I was standing in the threshold of the enormous NAIA 3 airport. With my bags on my shoulder, suitcase I was pulling, I was having full of regrets of what had happened.
“If only you could take what back?” asked Joe. Joe was with me along with other friends of ours who seems late again for our flight.“If only I could take back my ICE CREAM!” I shouted. Apparently, houseflies either like ice cream to not make me eat it or they really don’t to push it away.
“Ice Cream?”
“Yeah,” I snorted. “Stupid houseflies were bugging me then ‘Bam!’ my ice cream splats on the floor.”
“That’s just ice cream, Chandler. What you’re about to experience is a lot like paradise!” Joe explained.
I didn’t reply, I still am bummed about that delicious ice cream, so I plugged the earphones of my MP3 and listened to my favorite song: The Long and Winding Road.
Finally after a few minutes, the others came. Joe was about to finish his 3rd burger, not knowing of motion sickness.
“It’s about time you guys came.” complained Joe.
“Well, somebody here has a hard time saying goodbye to her dog, La Pooh.” said Monica, circling her eyes on Rachel, the dog lover.
“My goodness Rach, it’s just a dog!” I shouted. But still not losing my temper.
“’My goodness Rach, it’s just a dog!’ What about your ice cream, Chandler?”
Joe copied my remark and teased me.
“Whatever, you’re lucky you didn’t have a 4th burger”
“So, where’s your dog?” Joe asked, ignoring my statement.
“Oh, outside with my mother” replied Rachel.
“You brought your dog with you?”“Just to say goodbye…”
And so after that pointless conversation; Rachel, Ross, Monica, Joey, Phoebe and I showed our boarding passes to the lady and went inside the plane and sat inside in our respective seats. I’m guessing that Joe now regrets eating three burgers, the size of Big Mac, as I saw his uneasy expression in his face. I saw dolphins diving in and out of the ocean and maybe because of vertigo, I think I saw an angel flew by the window beside me. But I guess it was just motion sickness.
I slept throughout the flight.
We arrived at Los Angeles Airport or LAX by evening. Joe rushed out the plane to go to the bathroom, I guess not only motion sickness played with him, nature’s calling him also. It began to rain as we went out the airport; we haven’t any umbrella so we rushed to the Taxi stand. We were divided into two and we both directed the driver to a certain hotel, I won’t tell what. Just for no reason.
I guess I had a little case of being homesick, I don’t know, I loved the food around here. And it’s not my first time to go here; it’s my first time to go here on vacation. It always meant work, work, and work. I remember the fishball vendor at home when I saw Joe again, eventually he has stopped going to the CR. Joe again had this case when he ate a lot of fishballs and again, LBM.Phoebe, now, pulled her sneakers off after touring the hotel. It reeked, I smelled it, it was so bad but who cares I opened the windows anyways. Ross decided to play his guitar, while we’re at vacation; swimming, tanning and drinking smoothies in Sta. Monica Beach, he’ll be playing in a concert to be held on Hollywood. It was his choice, his only gig, so he grabbed the opportunity.
The next day after breakfast was served; I went to the city to see if I could still remember the place. And I still do, I went to Starbucks for a while and then I saw the guys excluding Ross buying donuts at Krispy Kreme. I left the coffee shop and went to them. It seems our plans of vacation will be advanced, early that morning, we went to the beach.
Monica’s the one who really knows the place, for her friend, Janice, owns a store by the shore. We swam, played beach volleyball, drank shakes, laid down and did Frisbee on the beach.
We were all tired that afternoon, so we rested. When we woke about an hour later, we were on a boat. We were all surprised; Janice was awake and told us to calm down. She’s with a guy she introduced to us as Richard. I don’t like Richard from the start. We had no choice but to stay on the boat or sharks will have had early dinner that night.
Finally we went to a deserted island. It seemed deserted, no tourists, no stores, no anything. We went down the boat and Richard advanced to the forest. Janice told us she was also preoccupied when she was brought onto the boat. It’s a good thing there was volleyball on the boat. So we played a little while to get our minds off that peculiar event.
A few minutes later, we rested. We heard strange noises and footsteps from the forest. Maybe it was just Richard hunting an animal for food. We ignored the noise and waited for Richard to come back. It was twilight already and I was getting hungry and sleepy. Others were grumbling already, they went back to the boat but as soon as they stepped on the boat, they heard a shout. I heard it louder, it was Rachel. There was a black figure pulling her towards the forest.
I rushed to grab Rachel’s leg but I was late. I dove for nothing; she was gone in a blink of an eye. The others by the boat ran through the shore and went near the forest. We were all shocked by what had happened. We were staring blankly at space at what had just happened. We couldn’t think. We couldn’t act.
And then suddenly all of us were grabbed by the hands and our heads were covered with duffel bags, we couldn’t resist, the people who held us captive were strong. They pulled us towards the jungle like what they did on Rachel. And that was the last of what I can remember. We were done as TOURISTS.
The Coper Hangout
One month passed and a virus came, not really a pandemic but many of us were not able to attend class for weeks. The air was filled with longing for your friends and the feeling that you miss the ones who are making the class alive.
When everybody was already present, the feel of joyous and alive class was felt. We started hanging-out, inside and outside the classroom. The last table in the canteen and the so-called “Coper-Ikot” were made.
There were those times when sadness and anger lingered in the four corners of the class. It will make you happy when you reminisce how your lonely memories made the relationship stronger.
In this room, we practiced our way to success. In all the things we have done in the classroom, we succeeded and with that come pride and talent; we all loved the good things and the luck it gave us.
Funny as it seems, at the end of the day, comes and there was it, the mess, the dirt, and all those garbage we left behind are present. Indeed, we have to clean the room but the smiles on our faces are still present.
And that is how our Coper Friendship started and ended, silence and cleaning. I know how weird are life was when we were just knew to Maksci however the feeling of comfort and affection was felt when we entered our own room. It felt that we really owned it and it is worth it. The room where it all began, Room 302, the best classroom I ever had.
Missing Somewhere
Walking on a long and winding road, I got tired so I decided to sit on a bench. I realized that my goody old sneakers are already untied so I tried to fix them up. When I looked up, suddenly it came to me that I was already lost. Maybe, I am still being chased by my thoughts of him but my mind has already given up. In this place where nobody is around, when nothing can remind me of anything about us, why is that song he played on his guitar perceptible to my ears. You’ve always been my angel but why did I run away from you?
I stood to find anybody near, maybe an ice cream stand or a fishball vendor, but nothing existed. Even a small housefly that tends to bug me is in sight. I have always wondered what will happen to my life if I’m not around you, if you are not beside me. And now, I can feel it, the suffering that I needed to receive just to regain everything we lost. But nothing’s worth it. I checked on my mp3 and tested if it is still working. Unfortunately, I am already low bat.
Walking further, I saw a dolphin… Or maybe not. I know I’m just hallucinating, a dolphin in the pond… Never. I started walking again, I knew that I was missing something but I didn’t care. All I can think about is him, I know I’m making no sense so, I’ll tell you what happened.
He was the guy I have always dreamed of, tall, fair-skinned, good-looking and smart. I was always happy when I’m with him and we never cared about anything except for ourselves. I was mesmerized to the fact that he always brought an umbrella with him so we never got caught in the rain. He is a funny guy, sometimes misunderstood but I’m always here to understand him. I never knew why I did that to him. I will never know why. He never told me what I did wrong. He is always that sensitive guy who only cares about what he feels and never about what the others think.
“Ok” I was awakened by the sound of a car; I never knew someone could ever find me here, maybe not this fast. I was disappointed but when I looked in the mirror, I saw his eyes flicker. I was wrong it is better this way. If I never knew him, I will never realize everything, now I know that he is not just a highly sensitive man but he is a very understanding individual, ready to comprehend my actions, even if I always make mistakes; ready to accept me and start over again. I know, my life is better with him, the guy I loved the most. ñ_ñ
One More Time
You were this boy who catches the attention of everyone. You were listening to your MP3 while squeaking your SNEAKERS to and fro. I felt that there was no one else but you and me. You were like an ANGEL that set foot on earth just for my eyes to see. And that was the very moment I fell for you.
At first, I thought you were just a pretty face. But all of those changed when I first heard you play your GUITAR. The sound was so heavenly. I approached you and said “hi!” You just smiled at me. Stood up and went away. I sat there blankly with all the words I wanted to tell you. But I guess it wasn’t the right time for our hearts to meet.
It was a rainy afternoon and classes were cut. I went to my locker to get my UMBRELLA. You were there. You asked if I want ICE CREAM. Very weird. Who would want ice cream at a very cold and rainy afternoon? I did. Just to be with you.
But unfortunately, there was no ice cream. All was left was the FISHBALL VENDOR under the waiting shed. “Let’s dig in?” I guess I can take a few bite. All that matters to me is you, me and the raindrops that keep on falling on the waiting shed’s roof. I’ve always loved the sound of the rain on the roof. But I enjoyed it more when I’m with you. We finished eating and went home. It feels so good to feel your body warmth under the same umbrella. We walked and walked. Along the LONG AND WINDING ROAD we walked sweetly. Oh how I wish this would never end. How I wish that you were mine.
Days had passed and we continue to share sweet moments together. The laughters. The emoness. The pains. You’ve always been the sunshine to me. You’re my rainbow after the rain. But still you’re not mine. And you proved it when you told me the sentence I don’t want to hear.
“I love you…but as a friend.” My world crashed. I’m like a DOLPHIN that drowned. A HOUSEFLY that has been slapped. I felt dead inside. How can you do this to me? I thought what we had was special. I thought we had a special connection. Did we? Or am I the only one who felt it? “I’m so sorry…I just can’t love you.” It’s okay. I won’t cry. At least in a way, you made me feel that I’m special. Just remember, if you need me, I’m always here. I’m here broken but complete. Complete and ready to love you one more time.
Christmas Time?
Was I mistaken? It was afternoon, but it was cold. What it seemed to be a September afternoon, became my holiday. It was fun—while it lasted.
With six people inside the place, it was never felt alive ever before. There were chocolate chips, a cold atmosphere, and what seemed to be a season of giving.
My companions shared what they had. I enjoyed for an hour, it was the greatest joy to play and have fun in what seemed to be a holiday paradise. I played the computer—it was a game about how joyous penguins crossed the sea, just like how I crossed a subject with such joy and glee.
Yes, it was a weekday, and I was supposed to be in my room, studying. But I’m glad I wasn’t, for I might have never experienced that joy.
It was cold, it was damp, it was fine, no it was not Christmas Time, but it was what I called Clinic Time, the place of the best actors a school could have.
Knights of the Rectangular Table
The school cafeteria has this ambiance that is best suitable for telling stories, secrets and other stuff. It may not be air-conditioned but it is ventilated enough for the “chit chatters”. What also adds to this said ambiance is the variety of food where you can choose something to eat while chatting.
It is in the canteen where the “Knights of the Rectangular Table” was founded. All of the meetings of the knights, where initiations are done, are held in the canteen. Who can resist talking for hours in a place like the canteen? One thing is for sure, the knight’s can’t. The only thing that can stop them is when the bell rings.
The canteen is a place where friendships grow, develop and blossom. The canteen is a place where relationships become deeper. The canteen is a place made not only to replenish a thirsty body but also for the thirsty soul.
I Choose You
The seat or the kalesa, where I and my friends usually hang out, is my memorable place in Makati Science.
It is called kalesa because it looks like a wooden carriage with no horse available. It has two massive wheels at both sides which are immovable. It can accommodate 3-4 persons to sit at the seat and another 3 at the footrest. It is located beside the pond. It is near the Osias gate and it is located near the Guidance Office and Principal’s Office.
It is strategically placed at the South-East corner of the grounds. From there, you could see the action happening at the grounds at all angles. You could see the people go to the canteen; you could see visitors entering the Osias gate. You can see Ma’am Gonzales at the stage, most importantly; you could see the live action happening on the grounds when it is Intrams. Quite a good advantage than staying in the room.
Kalesa had captured my heart when I was still a freshman. I and my friends spend the whole lunch time here. We had quality times talking to one another. When there is no teacher around, we wanted to go here to find the comfort we need. During the Intrams, we could cheer our hearts out here. During the dance night, we may find rest and relaxation at the kalesa. It had many memories we both share.
Even though it is not comfortable, it is not air-conditioned; it is located near the stinky pond. I still love it! Memories are still more important than my comfort. So, I choose you! Kalesa!
To A New Paradise
Yes indeed, it is nothing like a house, it has no walls, but instead, has immovable wheels made of wood and steel. Well at least, it has a roof.
Even though it is called a kalesa, or carriage in English, I guess you still won’t be able to call it a carriage, for the fact that even though it has wheels, it does not move and well, it lacks one itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny factor… the oh-so-important horse! It is rather old and had already gone several repair trips. But it is still, the best seat in the whole campus. It gives you a marvelous view of the whole Makati Science High School and the beautiful garden. It makes you feel omniscient and all-seeing.
In royal countries and kingdoms, they consider the king’s throne the most important and valuable seat. In poor countries, but with optimistic people, they consider the toilet seat, the seat for the most important one, equal to the king’s throne. But as for me, that most important and valuable seat that only the omnipotent are allowed to be seated, holding a higher power than the king’s throne or the commoners’ latrines, is the kalesa… OUR kalesa. Why? Simple, because here, I, together with my friends, feel like no one and nothing else mattered, like we were the center of the universe.
In that tiny place, or rather, space, the four of us best friends, ‘THE ORIGZ’, shared tons of memories there. We shared stories that made us laugh, made us cry, made us angry and ever stories that made us look at each other in a suspicious kind of ways and made us question each other’s ‘innocence’. Yes, our DLSs… our Dirty Little Secrets.
Whenever we are in that place, we didn’t know when or how it started, but we are obliged to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth; no holds barred, no secrets allowed. With this rule working our conversations ranged from school works, to love life, to family problems, to politics, to global disasters, to ‘perfect crime’ schemes, to religion and yes, to perverted, R-18 stuff that you wouldn’t want your mother to hear about. With all those kind of secrets revealed to each other, our bond grew stronger and our ‘love’ for the kalesa, deeper.
Now even though we already lack one member, no matter how busy we are and from different sections, we still manage to find the time to visit that place—the kalesa. The place we consider our ‘tambayan’, our home, our sanctuary, our… paradise.
The Last Words
Mon is a good-looking guitarist in their town. After experiencing all the unfortunate things and events in this world, his life, attitude and way of life changed a lot. He serves as an inspiration and an angel to the eye of the town people before. But now, he always wants to be alone without the help of others. His life had been so miserable and his guitar had been his only foundation for all this time. So, let me tell you about his tragic life, I can say that it can be an inspiration to all of us.
Mon did not come from a huge and rich family. He is the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Konching. His dad is a fish ball vendor while his mom sells umbrella on the mall. Unfortunately, his mom died while giving birth to him. He grew up without a mother and spent his life with his father. One day, as they were passing on a long and winding road they had a car accident because his eating ice cream while driving and did not concentrate on what his doing. His father died but fortunately he lived and was able to continue his life. But Mon, did not consider it a blessing from above he ruined his life and always do nothing. One day, he found out that his father has a pension, because of that he got some money to buy some stuffs. This money was also used to buy gadgets like mp3, new sneakers and a lot more. Because of this money he also got a girlfriend. But this girl was a money girl he only dates guys with money and when the girl found out that Mon doesn’t have money anymore, the girl immediately leave him.
It was December, the climate was so cold and everyone is in the mood except him. He remembered all the bad things that happened to him. He cried and broke his guitar. Because of his loneliness he drunk a lot of beer and a poison to end all the pain his suffering. One day, a housefly was found dead on his front door. The people in their town believed that if a dead animal was found on the front door of your house it means bad luck and even death so the owner of the house decided to look for him. When they entered, they found his dead body lying on the floor with a note saying,”Its unfair…Life has never been fair to me.”
So this is the end of his tragic life. This story tells everyone that we should take care of our lives and be thankful and consider our lives a blessing from God and if not, nothing good will happen to us and will just end up unhappy and alone.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Of all the places found in our school, I find this very spot where I am right now as the most serendipitous, comfortable and memorable. It is a prominent figure for the grounds, it is an unusual bench. The "kalesa"--a wooden bench derived from a traditional, Filipino rickshaw with a horse to move it. Of course its structure is a bit different.
The best time to go here is when it's raining and after. You get to appreciate the cold breeze of rain, the blur of your surroundings, and yet, remain dry. After the rain, I admire the diamonds hanging at the edge of the rood just waiting to fall. That alone is pretty for me.
The best feature about it is, it is what it is; "a kalesa with no horse". There is only one thing a horseless kalesa can do, it's to stay there.
thank you!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
DAVID SWAN by Nathaniel Hawthorne

We have nothing to do with David, until we find him, at the age of twenty, on the high road from his native place to the city of
While he lay sound asleep in the shade, other people were wide awake, and passed to and fro, a-foot, on horseback, and in all sorts of vehicles, along the sunny road by his bedchamber. Some looked neither to the right hand nor to the left, and knew not that he was there; some merely glanced that way, without admitting the slumberer among their busy thoughts; some laughed to see how soundly he slept; and several, whose hearts were brimming full of scorn, ejected their venomous superfluity on David Swan. A middle aged widow, when nobody else was near, thrust her head a little way into the recess, and vowed that the young fellow looked charming in his sleep. A temperance lecturer saw him, and wrought poor David into the texture of his evening's discourse, as an awful instance of dead drunkenness by the road-side. But, censure, praise, merriment, scorn, and indifference, were all one, or rather all nothing, to David Swan.
He had slept only a few moments, when a brown carriage, drawn by a handsome pair of horses, bowled easily along, and was brought to a stand-still, nearly in front of David's resting place. A finch pin had fallen out, and permitted one of the wheels to slide off. The damage was slight, and occasioned merely a momentary alarm to an elderly merchant and his wife, who were returning to
"How soundly he sleeps!" whispered the old gentleman. "From what a depth he draws that easy breath! Such sleep as that, brought on without an opiate, would be worth more to me than half my income; for it would suppose health, and an untroubled mind."
"And youth, besides," said the lady. "Healthy and quiet age does not sleep thus. Our slumber is no more like his, than our wakefulness."
The longer they looked, the more did this elderly couple feel interested in the unknown youth, to whom the way side and the maple shade were as a secret chamber, with the rich gloom of damask curtains brooding over him. Perceiving that a stray sunbeam glimmered down upon his face, the lady contrived to twist a branch aside, so as to intercept it. And having done this little act of kindness, she began to feel like a mother to him.
"To what purpose?" said the merchant, hesitating. "We know nothing of the youth's character."
"That open countenance!" replied his wife, in the same hushed voice, yet earnestly. "This innocent sleep!"
While these whispers were passing, the sleeper's heart did not throb, nor his breath become agitated, nor his features betray the least token of interest.--Yet Fortune was bending over him, just ready to let fall a burthen of gold. The old merchant had lost his only son, and had no heir to his wealth, except a distant relative, with whose conduct he was dissatisfied. In such cases, people sometimes do stranger things than to act the magician, and awaken a young man to splendor, who fell asleep in poverty.
"Shall we not waken him?" repeated the lady, persuasively.
"The coach is ready, Sir," said the servant, behind.
The old couple started, reddened, and hurried away, mutually wondering, that they should ever have dreamed of doing any thing so very ridiculous. The merchant threw himself back in the carriage, and occupied his mind with the plan of a magnificent asylum for unfortunate men of business. Meanwhile, David Swan enjoyed his nap.
The carriage could not have gone above a mile or two, when a pretty young girl came along, with a tripping pace, which showed precisely how her little heart was dancing in her bosom. Perhaps it was this merry kind of motion that caused--is there any harm in saying it?--her garter to slip its knot. Conscious that the silken girth, if silk it were, was relaxing its hold, she turned aside into the shelter of the maple trees, and there found a young man asleep by the spring! Blushing, as red as any rose, that she should have intruded into a gentleman's bed-chamber, and for such a purpose too, she was about to make her escape on tiptoe. But, there was peril near the sleeper. A monster of a bee had been wandering overhead--buzz, buzz, buzz--now among the leaves, now flashing through the strips of sunshine, and now lost in the dark shade, till finally he appeared to be settling on the eyelid of David Swan. The sting of a bee is sometimes deadly. As free-hearted as she was innocent, the girl attacked the intruder with her handkerchief, brushed him soundly, and drove him from beneath the maple shade. How sweet a picture! This good deed accomplished, with quickened breath, and a deeper blush, she stole a glance at the youthful stranger, for whom she had been battling with a dragon in the air.
"He is handsome!" thought she, and blushed redder yet.
How could it be that no dream of bliss grew so strong within him, that, shattered by its very strength, it should part asunder, and allow him to perceive the girl among its phantoms? Why, at least, did no smile of welcome brighten upon his face? She was come, the maid whose soul, according to the old and beautiful idea, had been severed from his own, and whom, in all his vague but passionate desires, he yearned to meet. Her, only, could he love with a perfect love--him, only, could she receive into the depths of her heart--and now her image was faintly blushing in the fountain, by his side; should it pass away, its happy lustre would never gleam upon his life again.
"How sound he sleeps!" murmured the girl.
She departed, but did not trip along the road so lightly as when she came.
Now, this girl's father was a thriving country merchant in the neighbourhood, and happened, at that identical time, to be looking out for just such a young man as David Swan. Had David formed a way side acquaintance with the daughter, he would have become the father's clerk, and all else in natural succession. So here, again, had good fortune--the best of fortunes--stolen so near, that her garments brushed against him; and he knew nothing of the matter.
The girl was hardly out of sight, when two men turned aside beneath the maple shade. Both had dark faces, set off by cloth caps, which were drawn down aslant over their brows. Their dresses were shabby, yet had a certain smartness. These were a couple of rascals, who got their living by whatever the devil sent them, and now, in the interim of other business, had staked the joint profits of their next piece of villany on a game of cards, which was to have been decided here under the trees. But, finding David asleep by the spring, one of the rogues whispered to his fellow,
"Hiss!--Do you see that bundle under his head?"
The other villain nodded, winked, and leered.
"I'll bet you a horn of brandy," said the first, "that the chap has either a pocket book, or a snug little hoard of small change, stowed away amongst his shirts. And if not there, we shall find it in his pantaloons' pocket."
"But how if he wakes?" said the other.
His companion thrust aside his waistcoat, pointed to the handle of a dirk, and nodded.
"So be it!" muttered the second villain.
They approached the unconscious David, and, while one pointed the dagger towards his heart, the other began to search the bundle beneath his head. Their two faces, grim, wrinkled, and ghastly with guilt and fear, bent over their victim, looking horrible enough to be mistaken for fiends, should he suddenly awake. Nay, had the villains glanced aside into the spring, even they would hardly have known themselves, as reflected there. But David Swan had never worn a more tranquil aspect, even when asleep on his mother's breast.
"I must take away the bundle," whispered one.
"If he stirs, I'll strike," muttered the other.
But, at this moment, a dog, scenting along the ground, came in beneath the maple trees, and gazed alternately at each of these wicked men, and then at the quiet sleeper. He then lapped out of the fountain.
"Pshaw!" said one villain. "We can do nothing now. The dog's master must be close behind."
"Let's take a drink, and be off," the other.
The man, with the dagger, thrust back the weapon into his bosom, and drew forth a pocket pistol, but not of that kind which kills by a single discharge. It was a flask of liquor, with a block tin tumbler screwed upon the mouth. Each drank a comfortable dram, and left the spot, with so many jests, and such laughter at their unaccomplished wickedness, that they might be said to have gone on their way rejoicing. In a few hours, they had forgotten the whole affair, nor once imagined that the recording angel had written down the crime of murder against their souls, in letters as durable as eternity. As for David Swan, he still slept quietly, neither conscious of the shadow of death when it hung over him, nor of the glow of renewed life, when that a, shadow was withdrawn.
He slept, but no longer so quietly as at first. An hour's repose had snatched, from his elastic frame, the weariness with which many hours of toil had burthened it. Now, he stirred--now, moved his lips, without a sound--now, talked, in an inward tone, to the noon-day spectres of his dream. But a noise of wheels came rattling louder and louder along the road, until it dashed through the dispersing mist of David's slumber--and there was the stage coach. He started up, with all his ideas about him.
"Halloo, driver!--Take a passenger?" shouted he.
"Room on top!" answered the driver.
Up mounted David, and bowled away merrily towards
Monday, October 13, 2008

She was one of those girls born in the freak of destiny. Not as fortunate as the girls, rather you could tell from one look at her that she was not given the gift of beauty.
Her eyes, almond in shape, were as piercing and fierce as that of a cat. People claimed that her eyes could petrify you, turn you to a stone and freeze you to death. Her eyebrows are so thick and bushy that it could be compared to the dangerous Amazon rainforest – the largest forest in the world. Her nose, criticized for its ability to slice. Thanks to its thin, sharp appearance. Her lips, generous it may be, but too large and full for her rounded face. Her hair, oh-so-messy, that should be at shoulder length appear to be shorter. Lastly, her star-shaped birthmark on her left cheek scares even the tiniest bugs away. Some people say that it is a seal for a curse.
That is Chikitita – the Halloween Girl of the School, of the community, of the world!

Loisa Malafuteek is a one-fourth Native American and the rest, I do not know. Every swing of her cilia, which happens all the time, is concealed within the tiny openings of her thin pointed nose. Her thick, flabby but considered charitable lips stand out from her naturally deformed face. I must warn you about her rough, spiky forest like eyebrows. They puff whenever in contact with another human and emit an awful smell that can make any puke out his complete internal organs. Aside from her almond-shaped eyes, she is known for her star-shaped birthmark that glows in the dark. She has a hair that ends its flow in line with her shoulders.
That is Loisa Malafuteek. Peculiar looking she is but still maintains her cuteness.

A long time ago, I met this person in a dark alley. He was an interesting man. He had eyes so deep that you think you were going to be sucked in. His eyes were so mesmerizing and hypnotizing. He had a nose so thin and slender that you would think you could snap it in two like a twig. He had eyebrows so bushy that you would feel like it was a miniature Amazon forest. He had thick and generous lips that matched his face. His hair was the blackest black you could ever find. It flowed magnificently above his shoulders. It only grew from the back of his head, leaving the top of his head bare and dry like the desert. Though it was empty, the top of his head shined so bright in that dark alley. He had a neck so thin; it could barely support his head. But of all these unique features he possessed, the tiny star-like birthmark he had on his left cheek would forever be engraved in my brain. Who is this man? I do not know. They say that he appears only to those who have seen someone die. But one thing I could tell you about him is his name. There tattooed on his neck that reads ENRICOSO. After meeting him, I never saw him ever again.

Conching was born in January 7, 1963. She is a very beautiful girl, very attractive, indeed. All the boys fall in love with her. She is already 45 years old but still adorable. She has this very kissable red lips. She has a star-shaped birthmark on her left cheek. Her smooth, fragrant hair can be smelled even at one kilometer distance. She is also kind and intelligent. She is known all over the country because she is a model and endorser. She also owns a company.

She is Almuranas. She is sort of pretty, because that’s what she thinks she is. She carries this star-shaped birthmark on her left cheek. She said someday, she‘d be a star like her favorite character, Betty. Her bushy eyebrows attract boys, not to infatuate with her but to tease her. She cannot leave home without her lips dipped in pink lipstick. She has these generous, pouting but scary lips that she uses to flirt with her favorite type of guy, the nerd ones. Lastly, she dyed her hair purple to complete the diva look she wishes to accomplish someday.
Oh yeah, she is deaf. She was born without ears, that is why she does not get affected with how people tease her. She loves crabs because they are orange and she likes eating kikiam.
1. a circle of any size
2. bushy eyebrows on the circle
3. almond-shaped eyes
4. a straight thin nose
5. generous lips
6. a star-shaped birthmark on the left cheek
7. a thin neck
8. shoulder length hair
B. Give a name to your character.
C. Assuming that your character exists in real life, write a short article describing him/her.
D. Minimum words: 100

With those swelling lips, a smile that shames Mona Lisa, Seenabang, a picture of perfection, a figure that surpasses the Venus de Milo. A woman, God’s greatest work of art. But this girl is not just like any other. Almond-shaped, glassy eyes, together with thick forest-like brows are so attractive. You just can’t get your eyes of them. A straight thin nose that goes across her round face is a sure magnet. One of the stars found on her face is a birthmark (the other one is a tattoo just to make thing symmetrical). Some say that it is a sign that this beautiful creature fell down from the heavens. There are a lot of mind boggling mysteries on this earth; one of them probably is how she manages not to let her head fall off with that slender neck of her. Magnificent – that is what I have to say. Seenabang - the Roman Catholic Church disapproves it but critics already considered her as one of the Seven Wonders of the Human World.
Divalicious Dread-girl

Divalicious Dread-girl is a mulatto. Her mother came from the tribes of

Bichang is the most popular girl in
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Summary: The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe
The short story “The Cast of Amontillado” written by Edgar Allan Poe is a tragic story of revenge in an unnamed city in
In an unnamed city in
As bait, he told Fortunato that he wanted to go to Luchesi to help check the authenticity of the Amontillado wine, he bought. But because Fortunato is a man with pride, he thought that Montresor looks up to Luchesi when it comes to wine and said that he is better. Even if he has bad cough, he still insisted in going to Montresor’s place to test the wine.
They proceeded to Montresor’s palazzo; here they wander deep to the catacombs. This time, he gave Fortunato more alcohol that’s why he grew a lot drunk. After that, he made a gesture, and when Fortunato didn’t recognize it, he had suspicions that he is not a mason.
As they walked, Montresor suddenly, told the story of his family. Of how fearless and how brutal they can be in terms of fighting and merciless killing. But, Fortunato didn’t think that Montresor’s motive is to kill him because he was too eager to taste the wine.
When pass by a niche, Montresor told Fortunato that the Amontillado is inside so, the man willingly entered. Inside, Montresor chained him to the wall but because of drunkenness, he didn’t seem to care. After that, he bid Fortunato goodbye and started pilling up bricks.
Few minutes passed and suddenly, Fortunato recovered from his drunkenness. He tried screaming but no one listened. He tried to break out from the chains but it is simply impossible. When the last row of bricks where piled, he begged Montresor to let go of him for God’s sake. And for the last time, he didn’t mind.
In the end of the selection, Montresor claimed that half a century has passed but still, no one has ever found justice for Fortunato; never in that time that he has been caught or alleged him. In that span of time, no one has ever disturbed the body of Fortunato. Lastly, he closes the story with a remark. In pace requiescat.
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Necklace by Guy De Maupassant
Madam Loisel is the typical middle class English woman who happens to be gifted with beauty but unfortunately not the luxury of life. She aspires to be like the first class women, beautiful and magnificent physically which were enhanced with all those superb ball gowns and sparkling jewelries. However, with her status in life, she cannot afford to have those.
Nonetheless, Madam Loisel learned to be content with what she has in life when she lost the borrowed diamond necklace. She and her husband spent ten years in paying for the replacement necklace only to find out that the necklace they lost is in fact, not a real one. How very unfortunate for them but they learned a lesson that somehow they can never forget and never regret knowing.
The Necklace by Guy De Maupassant is a story wherein readers could either get astonished by the ending or touched by its implied lesson. Nevertheless, the lesson we got from the selection was cleverly hidden between carefully chosen words. The story was created in a very typical way but the twist is, the moral of the story was veiled in a way that it is up to the readers to find out about it.God created each and every one of us equally. There is no one higher or lower than us. It is foolish for us to create such status in life wherein people put a barrier to each other. The Necklace portrayed to us a lesson in which we should all remember. Be content and let us be thankful in what we have in life instead of complaining. The rich may have what the poor doesn’t, but somehow the poor have something the rich cannot have.
Three cheers for this wonderful story, The Necklace.
I am very sure that some might say that the author could have just been so cruel to the husband and to the wife. You see, after having been so elegant and gorgeous for just one evening together with the richest in town, Madame Mathilde Loisel lost her borrowed diamond necklace (I do not know yet that it is made of paste until I have read the ending). Consequently, the decision of the author to make Mathilde replace the necklace is truly remarkable. I mean we can read short stories with almost the same sequence of events but “The Necklace” proves to be unique. Instead of telling Madame Forestier that Mathilde lost the treasure, she replaced it with a “true” jewel. I think it is nice to present a story which reveals the values we are to act in life. Showing the readers to do an “ultimate deed” (that is working endlessly for ten years just to pay the debts used to buy the necklace) is awesome. I believe there are some misconceptions or other negative reactions about the story, but I’m sure than those.
One thing I would like to comment is what could have happened if Mathilde was contented with her dress; if she did not desire for more ornaments like what she did when she borrowed a jewel, a diamond necklace? She could have just wanted to gain enough confidence to mingle with the well-to-do. But her inner character was revealed after taking the risks to be a debtor of usurers and all the race of lenders.
I’m sure it is very hard to accept the fact that you almost risked your life to replace the necklace just made of paste. As a whole, there are three lessons the story inculcated in my mind; to be contented with what I have, to be hardworking and last but definitely not the least to PAY MY DEBT
At first, I did not understand this story because of the words that was used. They were unfamiliar to me. But when I read the summary, I began to understand it. I can not understand that an insult can make you think to murder a friend. Anyways, that is not the topic of the story. The story focuses on the way Montresor murders Fortunato. Montresor’s plan of murder was absolutely perfect because nobody has found out about the murder for years. As for Fortunato, it was really sad to be killed by a friend whom you trusted. But it is also his fault that he was murdered. In my opinion, both sides was wrong in their actions. Fortunato would have not been murdered if he has not insulted Montresor but Montresor’s action of dealing with the problem was not an accurate solution for a noble man. He could have at least talk to Fortunato.A side from the theme of the story, the short story was well written. Every action was well described and stated. I commend the author.
Digimon vs. Pokemon
Pokemon is a media franchise owned by the video game company Nintendo and created by Satoshi Tajiri around 1995. Originally released as a pair of interlinkable Game Boy role-playing video games, Pokémon has since become the second most successful and lucrative video game-based media franchise in the world, behind only Nintendo's own Mario series. Pokémon properties have since been merchandised into anime, manga, trading cards, toys, books, and other media. The name Pokémon is the Romanized contraction of the Japanese brand, "Pocket Monsters” as such contractions are very common in Japan. The term "Pokémon", in addition to referring to the Pokémon franchise itself, also collectively refers to the 493 fictional species that have made appearances in Pokémon media as of the recent release of the newest Pokémon role-playing games (RPGs) for the Nintendo DS, Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. Like the words deer and sheep, the singular and plural forms of the word "Pokémon" do not differ, nor does each individual species name; in short, it is grammatically correct to say both "one Pokémon" and "many Pokémon". While Digimons short for "Digital Monsters is a popular Japanese series of media and merchandise, just like Pokemon, which includes anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media. Digimon are monsters of various forms living in a "Digital World", a parallel universe that originated from Earth's various communication networks.
The concept of the Pokémon universe, in both the video games and the general fictional world of Pokémon, stems from the hobby of insect collecting, a popular pastime which Pokémon executive director Satoshi Tajiri-Oniwa had enjoyed as a child. Players of the games are designated as Pokémon Trainers, and the two general goals (in most Pokémon games) for such Trainers are: to complete the Pokédex by collecting all of the available Pokémon species found in the fictional region where that game takes place; and to train a team of powerful Pokémon from those they have caught to compete against teams owned by other Trainers, and eventually become the strongest Trainer, the Pokémon Master. These themes of collecting, training, and battling are present in almost every version of the Pokémon franchise, including the video games, the anime and manga series, and the Pokémon Trading Card Game.In most incarnations of the fictional Pokémon universe, a Trainer that encounters a wild Pokémon is able to capture that Pokémon by throwing a specially designed, mass-producible tool called a Poké Ball at it. If the Pokémon is unable to escape the confines of the Poké Ball, that Pokémon is officially considered under the ownership of that Trainer. Afterward, it will obey whatever commands its new master issues to it from that point onward, unless the Trainer demonstrates enough of a lack of experience that the Pokémon would rather act on its own accord. Trainers can send out any of their Pokémon to wage non-lethal battles against other Pokémon; if the opposing Pokémon is wild, the Trainer can capture that Pokémon with a Poké Ball, increasing his or her collection of creatures. (Pokémon already owned by other Trainers cannot be captured, except under special circumstances in certain games.) If a Pokémon fully defeats an opponent in battle so that the opponent is knocked out, the winning Pokémon gains experience and may level up. When leveling up, the Pokémon's statistics ("stats") of battling aptitude increase, including Attack, Speed, and so on. From time to time the Pokémon may also learn new moves, which are techniques used in battle. In addition, many species of Pokémon possess the ability to undergo a form of metamorphosis and transform into a similar but stronger species of Pokémon, a process called evolution. On the other hand, Digimon started out as a digital pet called "Digital Monster," similar in style and concept to the Tamagotchi. It was planned by Wiz and released by Bandai on June 26, 1997. The toy began as the simple concept of a Tamagotchi for boys (as Bandai was also the creator of the Tamagotchi). The v-pet is similar to its predecessors, with the exceptions of being much harder and being able to connect to fight other Digimon v-pets. Every owner would start with a Baby Digimon, train it, evolve it, take care of it, and then have battles with other Digimon owners to see who was stronger. The Digimon pet had several evolution capabilities and abilities too, so many owners had many different Digimon. In December, the second generation of Digital Monster was released, followed by a third edition in 1998. Now the new Tamagotchi Digimon is Pendulum that has a total of 9 in the series. Bandai also has released a Non Related Digimon Tamagotchi.
With these two subjects, humankind has learned to enjoy life. Indeed, Pokemon and Digimon, served as the model of all media in making this world an exciting and challenging world.
Jedmund, or it can be "Jed" for short according to him. He was born on Dec. 10, 1993, a 14 year old student of Makati Science High School. Currently living in 69 B., B. Serrano street West Rembo, Makati city. Estimatedly 5'1 in height and 153.5 pounds. A boy that is fond of playing basketball, computers, reading and many things as well. A funny man, a man that look likes that he has no problem in life, but better think again. His motto is "Patience is a virtue" due to all the obstacles he encounter in his life especially on his studies that made his outlook for life that "there is still room for changes".
A wise fool indeed for he can become a fool for him to make other laugh or happy, but a wise too for in his decisions in life.
Bruce Wayne a rich man who has it's own company and also the secret identity of "Batman". Batman, the hero of Gotham city, and also known as "The Dark Knight". A defender of the oppressed and the enemy of the oppresser. The unique characteristic of Batman is he doesn't have any super powers and that he cannot fly like other superheroes. Despite being flightless, he continues to save others with his cool gadgets and awesome cars. Generally, we can say that Batman use brains and brawl only in fighting villains.
Peter Parker, an ace student, a writer for "Daily Bugle", and also the secret identity of Spiderman. Peter was a nerd with a puny body, but after he was bitten by a "radioactive spider" things change making him Spiderman. Spiderman is also known as "your friendly neighborhood". He also have unique characteristics, the spider sense he has, the power to release webs, and a enormous power and fast reflexes. Generally, we can say that he has been given a superpower in order to fight evil.
Batman and Spiderman, both superheroes, both flightless, both have the will to save others but still different in some ways.
Friday, September 12, 2008
ONE WAY by HIllsong United
As a result of the poll I posted, ONE WAY by Hillsong United touched the lives of most of you. So i'm posting this video as a sign of my gratitude for participating in the poll.
JESUS really is the only way...
He walks to his neighbor but easily refused him for his neighbor is not really what he thinks he is. He’s not a fun person. With that attitude of his neighbor, he went straight to his best friend’s house. But like what happen with his neighbor, he was not welcomed. He felt completely lonely that made me feel the pain of being ignored. Within that loneliness, he decided to visit the restaurant where he works. “CLOSED” is the welcome he received. The day wasn’t going well for him. Everywhere he looks, fun is not seen. The atmosphere was very melancholy. There was no fun like what he was used to.
At the end of the show, he was sad and he failed to see an atom of happiness. It wasn’t like the ordinary episodes I have watched. And in every cartoon, the credits flashed on the screen ending his awful day. But no matter what the ending of today’s episode is, I know the others will turn out how they should be. So I guess I’ll be seeing you later at 4:30 in the afternoon. See you Spongebob Squarepants, my little yellow idiot!
John Kenneth Laureto Mariano
I will glance at him from time to time. Give him the sweetest smile and I will say,” I love you so very too much" quietly. He will just nod at me and then I will turn my attention again to my teacher's discussion.
I really didn’t know how this started. He is just the right guy for me. He understands my tantrums. He scolds me whenever I get myself into trouble. He listens to all the things that I would tell him like my life way back elementary. Most probably, he is the one who can narrate my whole life to the world. He knows exactly how to make me laugh when I refuse to smile. He stays with me very late at night even five in the morning when I can’t go sleep. His stares, it is like the phrase, "if looks could kill". He will "kindat" at me and I could do is turn my back on him because I want to hide that big smile on my face. And yes, it is deadly. There are so many things about him that keeps me loving him and lastly... There is something in my heart tells me I never would have known love if I had never met someone like him.
Let's admit he is just a boy and I’m still a girl but we can get old together because he completes my life.
John Kenneth Laureto Mariano. Bestfriend. Brother. Savior. Lover.
Let us see the next attraction!
I thought he would curse them, thought he would run, I thought he would cry, but to my surprise, he just pulled his straw hat down, enough to cover his eyes and smiled. At that time, I felt it, the promise contained in his words, the promising future hidden behind his smile.
Four years have past and the young boy now turned into a young man, seventeen years of age and started out his lofty quest. Without his own boat or his own troop, he sailed the vast and untamed ocean.
Starting from scratch, he found loyal and strong comrades, but getting them was no easy task. He fought people, whose strength were more monster-like than human, whose size were twice his. Even though he is clearly the underdog, not a trace of fear can be seen across his face; he stands strong and faces his enemy headstrong. He uses his ability—Gomu Gomu Noriyoku’, the power to have his body turn flexible as rubber to somehow cover the great difference in their prowess. Never giving up no matter how many times he falls, never accepting defeat, that is his way of life.
“…I’ll never go down before I defeat you!” He once said when he was fighting Lucci, one of the toughest enemies he had fought. Just like what he promised, he never fell down. Even though he was suffering excruciating pain, his determination to save his captured comrade, who was once his great enemy, never strayed.
Well, that’s just our future Pirate King, Monkey D. Luffy. Always trying his best on everything that he does, whether it be saving his friends from the clutches of evil, or defeating 30,000 marines in just five seconds, or go past the clouds in the sky in their little boat, he would never back down, he would finish the task no matter how hard it is and eventually emerge victorious.
Monkey D. Luffy, though a fictuous anime character from One Piece, he truly deserves to be looked up to, not just by children, but also by everyone... by me.
God Sees the Truth But Waits by Leo Tolstoy
For me the title is very fitting for the story but you have to understand and analyze the story properly first before realizing why the title is “God Sees the Truth but Waits. The title is like that because God knows that Aksionov is innocent but He still let Aksionov be imprisoned for twenty-six years before giving him freedom. The storyline is great and it will as the story goes on you will get more and more interested on how the story will end. It also shows that no matter how bad a person may look that person could still change and have a new life. The story focuses on how Aksionov will deal with his enemy. Even if Makar was his enemy he still tried to protect him from getting punishment because of the hole Makar dug. Maybe because of this or Makar’s conscience made Makar confess to the authorities that he is really the one who killed the merchant not Aksionov. In my personal opinion God used Makar to test wether Aksionov faith in Him is strong. Aksionov proved till the very end of his life that he is faithful to God.
This masterpiece is a very inspiring story. It also has several morals that could help guide future generations of students. It could also help other law breakers to turn away from their sins. Most of all it could help all of us become closer to God.