She is Almuranas. She is sort of pretty, because that’s what she thinks she is. She carries this star-shaped birthmark on her left cheek. She said someday, she‘d be a star like her favorite character, Betty. Her bushy eyebrows attract boys, not to infatuate with her but to tease her. She cannot leave home without her lips dipped in pink lipstick. She has these generous, pouting but scary lips that she uses to flirt with her favorite type of guy, the nerd ones. Lastly, she dyed her hair purple to complete the diva look she wishes to accomplish someday.
Oh yeah, she is deaf. She was born without ears, that is why she does not get affected with how people tease her. She loves crabs because they are orange and she likes eating kikiam.
Almuranas? You couldn't come up with a hotter name for this chick than "Hemorrhoids"? ;-)